Jimmie Keeling

Honoree     Jimmie Keeling
Donors        Jim Abbate, Mitch Ables, Darren Allman, Matt Anastasio, Todd Baumann, Brad Boyd, James Burk, Jesse Burleson, Kevin Byrd, Barry Campbell, Matt Carroll, Anthony Christian, John Contrucci, Matt Fanning, Mike Fecci, Rick Gailey, Roy Garcia, Gary Gibbs, Chuck Griffin, Gary Gutierrez, John Hanna, Clint Harper, Clint Hartman, Aaron Hollis, Jason Jones, Ty Lang, Richie Leonard, Jon Loudermilk, Chip Mayfield, Craig Naivar, John Neese, Bill Poe, David Rausch, Brian Rogers, Kirk Rogers, Drew Sanders, Jared Sanderson, Sam Shields, Rocky Smart, Mark Smith, Alan Wartes, Cade Wartes, and Justin Wiley

Type           Plaque
Location    Plaza 
“Coach George Smith is not only an influence on young people, but the influence is multiplied many times in the beliefs of the young people he helped mold into amazing human beings. George is an outstanding coach, but more importantly, he is an outstanding gentleman.” —Tina Jones, Principal of St. Thomas Aquinas High School